Monday, September 29, 2008

Series 02 - Episode 01

The premiere episode of series two, in which the remaining two Knobcasters discuss Andy's fate, Greg debuts his musical tribute to Andy, we briefly revisit Ed's rant regarding mothers' rooms in the workplace, Ed issues a formal apology, Greg attempts to engage Ed in a debate on whether women should be allowed to have careers, Greg and Ed discuss for 10 minutes whether the episode should be closed with a reprise of the 'Andy' tribute song, a discussion on laziness ensues, and Ed and Greg freestyle over the 'Andy' tribute song closeout. (47 min.)

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Anonymous said...

that song was classic! Greg, you're gonna have to cut an album soon if you keep cranking 'em out like that. Good stuff.

March2theSea said...

welcome is to hoping for an extended run of 'casts thru 2009.

The andy song was great..and the rant on the mothers room had me chuckle..a co-worker near me often says "I plan to use that as my nap room today" yet they never do.

The "who will cook for me?" line was great regarding Palin.

I have a silly topic idea. Are extra foodstuffs really needed? for example. If you like Tuna Fish you put some mayo on the bread as well? Is it needed? Adding more cheese to the top of lasagna is another example.

you wanted show ideas..

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the knobs back in action...well most of them anyways! Great tribute song Greg!

BTW, my wife works, yet she still finds the time to cook for me, buy the groceries, put the kids to bed, do the laundry, get the bedpan when I am in the middle of an important video game etc...It's all a matter of discipline!